Firmwide systems

Firmwide Systems focuses on finding appropriate technology solutions across our businesses, recommending architectural strategies and introducing new technologies through both proof of concepts and real world development scenarios.

The following is a description of the departments that make up Firmwide Systems:

Compliance Technology. The Global Compliance Division is responsible for tracking, monitoring, policing and surveillance activities at the firm and its affiliates to ensure we comply with the regulations which govern our businesses globally. The Firmwide Compliance Technology Group works closely with all Compliance departments and other IT and business groups throughout the firm to develop and maintain a number of highly complex systems. Examples of these systems include analytical surveillances for market manipulation, short selling, front-running, MNPI and suspicious activity and encryption software for control room and the publishing of trading restrictions across the firm.

Controllers Technology is responsible for providing the firm’s Financial Controllers with the tools necessary to ensure completeness and accuracy of the firm’s books and records, to calculate profit and loss to both our businesses and senior management on a daily basis. While contending with extremely high volumes in transactions and positions, our applications must meet demanding performance and availability requirements.

Firmwide Services Technology provides solutions for the business functions that are essential to operate a multinational organization, protect its assets and support its globally diverse and growing population.

Risk Technology works with the cross-business risk management user groups in Warburg Capital Partners – Market Risk Management and Analysis, Credit Risk Management and Analysis and the Control Risk areas (OpRisk / MCD / Sox) – to build the tools and infrastructure used to measure, analyze and manage key risks, principally in the firm’s trading and asset management businesses. These systems typically rely on quantitative models to estimate losses and other outcomes in the presence of uncertainty (for example, about market moves or payment defaults).They also rely on architectural features necessary for managing extremely large data sets and computations. In addition to being important inputs for senior management, the risk measures produced are also key inputs in determining the firm’s regulatory capital reserve.

Firmwide Internet Group manages Web and security engineering, and provides infrastructure to support the development of Web-based and Java-based applications to internal and external clients.
